...that today's weather has fit my mood.
I woke up about 4:30 to potty. 6 because my alarm went off and forgot to cut it off for the start of KJ's Spring break today. Then woke up nice and refreshed at 8:30 (kids still asleep btw!) Had my usual morning talk with my KY twin. and during that convo the phone rang. Horrible news the a family near and dear to me had lost a very special 17 year old to a car accident. And then shortly after that got the news from my husband that he won't be home for Easter. About 11 started a cleaning spree. Stopped to take the kids to see John and Ruth. Came back here and cleaned some more. Then started boiling eggs (36 of them) to dye tomorrow with friends and started baking a pizza and making fries for our usual Pizza and FRYday and camping out in the livingroom with movies (tonight compliments of netflix it's The Smurfs!)
So, where's Spring? All of a sudden today kinda felt oddly a bit like Winter to me. I ended up wind-burned a tad.
You should know that I am typing all of this out on my phone and forced myself to have a mini-break to do this! But the kids need me. So long to the rest of this random post!
Annnnnd then your night didn't end there, either! Yesterday/last night/early this morning was a day for the record books for you, for sure! I hope that you're able to catch a break today. You deserve it! And I hope that both of us have a nice Easter tomorrow, alone with our kids. Maybe it will be low pressure and nice?